click here for details     Dailies Total 1 Multifocal    
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 8.5mm
Diameter 14.1mm
Sph powers +6.00 to -10.00D 0.25 steps
Add powers Low,  Med,  High
Qty 30 pack
Mode DW
Replacement Daily
Material Delefilcon A 33% H2O center to nearly 100% surface
Group 5, low water, nonionic silicone hydrogel
Man. Process proprietary
DK 140 Dk/t = 156 @ -3.00D
CT 0.9mm @-3.00D
Tint Blue visibility
Modulus = 0.76MPa.(core), 0.014MPa.(surface)  Center near bi-aspheric.  
Silicone hydrogel with phosphatidylcholine.  Internal water content gradient
structure. Packaged in solution containing wetting agent copolymers of poly-
amidoamine (PAMAM) and polyacrylamide-acrylic acid.  Class 1 UV