click here for details     Dailies AquaComfort Plus Multifocal    
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 8.7mm
Diameter 14.0mm
Sph powers +6.00 to -10.00D
Add powers Lo,  Med,  Hi
Qty 30, 90 pack
Mode DW
Replacement Daily
Material Nelfilcon A 69% H2O
Group II high water, nonionic
Man. Process cast mold
DK 26
CT 0.10mm @ -3.00
Tint Blue visibility
Center near.  Bi-aspheric.    Modulus = .90 MPa.   Polymer of partially
acetalized polyvinyl alcohol. Packaging solution contains wetting agents
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and polyethylene glycol (PEG).  Gradual
release of free PVA said to enhance tear layer stability.